Using the colours with sacred medicine. Stones. Shannon Thunderbird.

  • Have available a supply of small to tiny seeds, stones, sweetgrass, feathers, cedar and sage (not the green, cooking sage, but prairie, mountain or silver sage).
  • A supply of tissue paper in the following colours: Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, White (or silver), Yellow (or Gold).
  • Wrap a bit of each of the elements into the different colours of tissue paper.
  • Put the little bundles in a basket or bowl (not plastic).
  • Bowl and contents should be smudged.
  • Cover the basket with a red cloth (Red brings the Ancestors).
  • Ask your guests or circle participants to reach in under the cloth and draw one of the little packages.  They should not look.  Whatever colour and element they pull from the basket will tell them something about where they are on their current earth walk. 
SEEDS: Potential for the future; rebirth; renewal, spring, winds of change, South on the medicine wheel where the Healer sings.
CEDAR:  Healer of the physical body. North on the medicine wheel where the Teacher Sings.
SAGE: Helps stabilize emotions, and create beautiful dreams and visions. South on the medicine wheel.
FEATHERS: Represents a Message; the good things in life; wisdom and knowledge; Flying free with creative thought is a privilege. East on the Medicine wheel.
STONES: Keepers of your inner knowledge and that of the living world; look for your own truth.  West on the Medicine Wheel.
SWEETGRASS: Is about kindness, fairness and equality.  It sits in the West where the Bear and the Visionary sing.


BLUE - Go into your own inner self and unlock the knowledge of your own inner wisdom that resides there. Try to not to get caught up in the 'high drama' of your present life. Have faith that there is another alternative.
GREEN - As you walk your earth walk, look to the rocks and the mountains for teachings. For they sit quietly upon Mother Earth providing harmony and strength.
ORANGE - Hold your stone in your left hand, and feel its energy pulsate up your arm and to that place in your soul that holds your own stories. Feel the energy of those stories asking to be freed. Be careful of undue stress levels so that you do not create an illness.
PINK - Stone does not disintegrate, nor does your creative energy. Stone will help you release that energy to be used in creative and intuitive ways.
PURPLE - The silence of the quiet mind is the sacred fertility of the receiving spirit. Sit in silence holding your stone and it will speak to you in a wondrous new way.
RED - Stone is your power ally. Feel its power, even in a little stone. It holds the songs and stories of creation and all its energy. Listen to your own songs, allow your own voice to release tension and emotion, and provide harmonization of your own personal medicine shield.
YELLOW/GOLD - Your stories await you. Look past the darkness of your soul, and soon the bright light of Grandfather Sun will illuminate you and bring you to contentment.
WHITE/SILVER - Bathe yourself in the purity of your own inner knowledge. The power of faith contains within it the power to move mountains.

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