Lunas y solsticio

13th June : FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS : This Full Moon, just prior to the Solstice, aligns with the energy of the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. It allows for an increase in the intensity of Light Codes transmitted from the Galactic Center/Great Central Sun as we move towards the Solstice and then the Lion's Gate in August.
21st June : SOLSTICE : At this moment the Earth reaches the furthest point of its journey around the sun, and begins its spiral back. This is marked by the longest day and the shortest night in the North, and conversely the shortest day and the longest night in the South. It also marks the official beginning of Summer (north) and Winter (south). It is a Sacred Time on the Earth when the Spiral of life moves into the next level in the Journey of the Evolution of Life and Consciousness.
27th June : NEW MOON in CANCER : Moon in Cancer is a WATER Moon and carries a very Feminine Energy. It is associated with the Divine Feminine and the Goddess. It is a perfect time to connect with the Light of the Goddess and plant seeds for Creative projects. This energy will carry you into the Full Moon in Capricorn in July, where there will be a powerful transformative energy of manifestation.

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