21 Diciembre. Solsticio de invierno. 25 Diciembre. Luna llena.

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    21 December 2015

    Solstice December 2015

    The Solstice falls on the night of the 21st/22nd December.  In the North it is Winter Solstice and in the South it is Summer Solstice.  At this time the Earth aligns directly with the Galactic Center and powerful waves of Light Codes and Energies are received that will direct the course of the Planet's evolution in the months to come.  This is a powerful time to align with your Intention for your Soul Work in the year that lies ahead.
    25 December 2015

    Full Moon in Capricorn
    The Full Moon this month falls on the same day as the traditional Christian Christmas Day.
    With Pluto transiting Capricorn, and with the Galactic Center just past alignment, this will be a powerful Moon.  An Earth Moon under the influence of Saturn, it is a good time to dream, meditate and manifest new structures for your life and for the Earth that will be a reflection on the Love and Peace that is the energy of the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness that was brought to Earth by Yeshua/Jesus and Mary Magdalene 2000 years ago!
    La luna llena de este mes cae en Navidad. Con Plutón transitando Capricornio, y con el alineamiento al Centro Galáctico, será una luna poderosa. Una luna de Tierra bajo la influencia de saturno, será un buen tiempo para soñar, meditar y manifestar nuevas estructuras para tu vida y para la Tierra. Será un reflejo sobre el Amor y la Paz, la energía del rayo dorado de la conciencia crística traída a la tierra por Maria Magdalena y Yeshua/Jesús hace dos mil años.

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