February and March energetic information, by Celia Fenn

February:There has been so much snow in the northern hemisphere. The Light Codes are being held and transmitted in the crystalline shapes of the snow crystals.  This vibration and pattern is then transmitted into the Earth where it becomes part of the Earth's Memory Bank that is held in the Crystalline Diamond "Data Bank" at the center of the Planet.
The information is being transmitted and received primarily through the Polar Star Gates at the Arctic and Antarctic.  This means primary transmissions are being received by Lapland and Northern Russia, as well as Canada, and by the Southern countries of New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and South Africa.  Powerful waves of incoming Light Codes are being grounded by Light Warriors and Light Workers in these places, as well as by others in strategic Sacred Sites and Cities on the Earth.

Feeling the Effects Everyone will feel the effects of this incoming transmission to some extent, especially if they are also sensitive to Solar radiation.  But the effects of the Sirian wave will be felt only in so far as the Pineal Gland is active and working to receive the transmission.  A person whose Pineal gland is inactive will feel the waves as instability and anger and collective "irritation".  If the Pineal Gland is engaged and working to transmit the energies, then the symptoms will be different.

The Pineal gland will receive the powerful Light Codes and then transmit them into the Light Body and the DNA structures of the physical body.  Because the "voltage"of the Light Codes is so high, there may be side effects such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia,  muscle spasms, anxiety and bad dreams.  These will be temporary symptoms as the Body and Light Body adjust to the new frequencies that are enabling Multi-Dimensional consciousness as a "real" experience.

5 March 2015: Full Moon in Virgo
The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth Moon.  This is a time for a deep inner healing both for your self and for the Earth.  With the incoming Light Codes and energies, the Earth is renewing as we are also renewing our Light Bodies.  This is a time to celebrate the Seeds of the New that are being planted in order to manifest in the coming months.

20 March 2015: Equinox, New Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse
This is such a powerful time on the Planet!  The Phoenix is Rising as this powerful New Moon in Fire Sign Aries becomes part of our consciousness..  The Lunar Eclipse aligns the Earth with the incoming Light Codes, and the Equinox energies help to bring balance after a period of chaos and turbulence.  This is a wonderful time for going deep within, or joining with others to hold and transmit the powerful new "Phoenix" Light Codes for the next phase of the Transformation process.

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