8 october. Lunar Eclipse and the "divine sovereign" relationship

Lunar Eclipse of 8 October 2014 : 
Galactic and Solar Time Gates and the Earth "Reboot

Following Celia Fenn informations. On the 8th of October, when the Full Moon is in Aries, there will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse. This will be the second Lunar Eclipse of the year, following the first on the 15th of April 2014. This first Lunar Eclipse was in Libra, and so the two eclipses are connected by being in opposition and in activating the energies of Libra and Aries. These two Lunar Eclipses are Galactic and Solar Timegates, and they allow for shifts in the Time/Space fabric of your Earth Reality.
The first recoding of the Timegate allows for the the emergence of the Diamond Warrior. Aries is the house of the Warrior, and also the Child. This energy encodes a Warrior who carries the Diamond Light and expresses and Higher "innocence" that aligns with the Divine Blueprint for Planet Earth. The Crystal Child is also the Diamond Light Warrior, and the Light blazes forth at this time! As you align with this new frequency, you cannot but help feeling surges of inner power as well as a deep sense that all will be well on the Earth. As the Diamond Light is anchored and the Diamond Warriors are activated, so the New Earth blueprint is activated in your Hearts, in your Light Bodies, and in the Light Grids of the Planet.
The second area where this recoding will be felt strongly is in the area of Relationships. All relationships that are not "in balance" have been under pressure in this last year. And, in the Diamond Light energy, this concept of balance emphasizes the aspects of mutual respect, honesty and integrity in an empowered way.
In the Diamond Light it is the "Divine Sovereign" relationship that holds the highest consciousness and the most intense energy. This is where two partners are drawn together on the Soul level in order to express their inner Light and Radiance through relationship and partnership. Both partners are fully balanced and sovereign within themselves and have created a loving primary relationship with their soul and higher self. This bond of love on the inner levels can then be reflected and manifest on the outer levels.
The two partners are capable of merging their soul energies in ecstatic soul union, but are also capable of being individual and whole within their own right. They may work together, or they may choose to have a working life outside of the relationship. However they choose to express the partnership, it will create a field of Light and Radiance that will bring Joy and Healing to others through the very power of its reflection of the Divine Flame of Love and Compassion.

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