A call to the animals. Diamond Light vortex in the solstice. Celia Fenn.

Using the Diamond Light Vortex that you have created in the Activation, you can now create a Sacred Circle that will be a conduit for Divine Love and Blessings for the Earth. The Circle is oriented to the North. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere you may wish to orient the circle to the South, that is passing from East to North to West to South.
See youself standing at the center of the Circle, whether literally or in vision, and face the EAST, the place of the Air and Sky and the Rising Sun and New Beginnings. Breate deeply and call in the Bird Tribes:
"Oh beautiful Spirits of the AIR, the Bird tribe of Earth, we call you now to Earth. We call the Great Eagles and the Hawks, and the messengers of Spirit, and we call all the winged creatures of the Air. We love you and we cherish you. We appreciate your Being and your gifts to the Earth. We ask you to stay with us and build the New Earth together with us. We express Diamond Gratitude for your presence and your gifts!"
Now face the SOUTH, the place of the WATERS, the place of flow, abundance and blessings. Breathe deeply and call all the beings who inhabit the Oceans and the Lakes and the Rivers of the Earth:
"Oh Spirits of the Waters, the Dolphins and Whales, the Seals and the Fishes and all the beings who swim in the waters, we call to you with love! We love you and we cherish you. We appreciate your Being and your gifts to the Earth. We ask you to stay here with us and manifest the New Earth together with us. We express Diamond Gratitude for your presence and your gifts."
Now, breathe deeply and face the WEST, the place of FIRE and passion and call to all the land animals that walk and run on our Earth with the passion and fire of life in their hearts and bodies. "Oh Spirirts of the Animal World, The four legged ones whose presence brings us comfort and support, from the wild wolves and wild cats to those with whom we share the fires of our homes and hearths, we call out to you. Also to all the wild animals of the plains and mountains, we offer you our deep respect and love for what you are and that we can share our Earth with you. We love you and we cherish you. We appreciate your Being and your gifts to the Earth. We ask you to stay here with us and manifest the New Earth together with us. We express Diamond Gratitude for your presence and your gifts."
Now, finally, breathe deeply again and turn to the NORTH, the place of EARTH and deep Wisdom and Love. Here we call forth the Spirit Animals and the Animals Guides, the White Lions, the White Whales, the White Buffalo, the Unicorns, the Dragons and all the Magical and Wise Beings who guide us.
"Oh wise ones, we call you to come to us and to be with us and work with us once again. Many have forgotten who you are and that you are gifts from the Stars, but we remember you and we honor you. We honor your wisdom and power and your guidance on the wheel of life. We honor the Earth as our home and we honor Spirit and all the Beings of Light, the Angels and those of the Spirit Animal realms who guide us home to the Light. We love you and we cherish you. We appreciate your Being and your gifts to the Earth. We ask you to stay here with us and manifest the New Earth together with us. We express Diamond Gratitude for your presence and your gifts."
Return your attention now to your own Heart Space, and extend your Diamond Gratitude upwards to the Heart of God and downwards to the Heart of the Earth. Allow yourself and your circle to be a conduit or a channel for the flow of Divine Diamond Light and Blessings from the Heart of God to the Heart of the Earth. Feel yourself joining togethr with many other Sacred Circles and Sacred Diamond Hearts in a Circle of Loving Blessing and Diamond Gratitude to the Earth and All That Is!
And so it is Done. We Thank You! Breathe deeply and hold the energy for as long as you wish. Then thank all the Spirit Beings who have worked with you and release the Circle.

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