Clare Dakin. Tree sisters. Y seguimos con los árboles.

A lo largo de este mes las mujeres que estamos siguiendo el Red Tent Summit Activation hemos sabido de muchas otras mujeres que trabajan con grupos de mujeres y sus contribuciones y sueños. He ido añadiendo algunas que me han llamado la atención.
En este caso añado a Clare Dakin. En inglés, porque de momento no me da para traducir.

Clare Dakin -

is the founder of TreeSisters – an eco-femme UK charity exploring how nature based feminine leadership can contribute to the acceleration of tropical reforestation, and co-creator of the course Earthing the Moon – Reclaiming the Inner Gateways of Feminine Potency, Creativity, Sexuality and Spirituality.
She is a free radical, Earth loving social entrepreneur and inspirational speaker who worked internationally for 18 years facilitating groups, coaching business leaders and creating behaviour change processes within the personal growth sector. She is a Be The Change Symposium facilitator and freelance writer who worked for three years as the UK co-ordinator for a massive agro-forestry initiative in southern India called Project GreenHands (PGH) before initiating TreeSisters. Through her work with PGH she has distilled the social mobilisation strategy deployed with great success in India, and now turns it towards the mobilisation of women within TreeSisters.
Clare and the TreeSister team are developing a whole educational methodology based on a revolutionary change tool (The Map of 5 Choices) exploring the natural flow of energy needed within any system to precipitate inevitable care and protection. The Root of that map is ‘Intimacy’ with body as nature and all the tools created by TreeSisters are grounded in feminine embodiment practices and nature as teacher. They are crafting their whole organisational development and yearly flow around the inner and outer seasons of nature and woman, incorporating both luna and solar cycles so that the charity operates as an evolving system that learns as it goes and continually models itself upon the flows and forms of living systems.
Their first on-line course for women, Earthing the Moon – Reclaiming the Inner Gateways of Feminine Potency, Creativity, Sexuality and Spirituality explicitly highlights how menstruality as the foundation of feminine health and wisdom – is right at the heart of TreeSisters.
Clare is currently nomadic, but based out of Gloucester, Mass. in the USA

Estoy trabajando el depredador- la parte asesina de la psique- a través de Clarissa Pinkola, parte de los libros de Las diosas de cada mujer, y Los dioses de cada hombre de Jean Shinoda Bolen y los mitos griegos narrados por Vernant. Hoy hay huelga en la enseñanza oficial por parte del alumnado. ¡¡¡Y mañana finde de biodanza, bien!!!!
Belleza de mujeres con pelo blanco. Cortesía de Ursula Dutkiewicz.

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